Economic Development
- Code: 204
- Semester: 2nd
- Study Level: Undergraduate
- Course type: General Background
- Teaching and exams language: Greek
- Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures and Practice work (3)
- ECTS Units: 5
- Instructors: Vlachos Vasileios, Karagiannis Christos
- Class Schedule:
- Exams Schedule:
Course Contents
- Economic growth and development.
- Classic theories of economic growth and development.
- Contemporary models of development and underdevelopment.
- Poverty, inequality and development.
- Population growth and economic development.
- Urbanization and immigration.
- Human capital.
- Agricultural transformation and the environment.
- Development policy formulation factors.
- International trade theory and development strategy.
- Balance of payments, debt, economic crises and stabilization policies and external financing.
- Fiscal and monetary policy for development.
- Economic development of the Greek economy.
Educational Goals
The general aim of the course is the transfer of scientific knowledge and information related to economic development. In addition to the efficient distribution of scarce productive resources and their sustained growth over time, economic development also deals with the necessary economic, social and institutional mechanisms, both public and private, for large-scale improvements in livelihoods level of the population. Particular emphasis is placed on the various strategies of economic development, which are examined in the light of their objectives and the proposed policy measures for their realization.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Understand and interpret national and global development problems.
- Understand statistical tables with recent data that demonstrate development problems in the modern world.
- Interpret indicators to facilitate international and longitudinal comparisons, of the basic levels of the countries of the world.
- Recognize patterns and draw conclusions from empirical evidence.
- Handle economic development problems.
- Have the ability to participate and make decisions in matters of economic development planning and addressing poverty in today’s world.
General Skills
- Working independently.
- Team work.
- Decision-making.
- Production of free, creative and inductive thinking.
Teaching Methods
- In the classroom, face to face.
Use of ICT means
- Basic software (windows, word, power point, the web, etc.).
- Support of learning process through the electronic platform / e-class.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 26 |
Practice works | 13 |
Assignment (Essay writing) | 20 |
Independent Study | 66 |
Total | 125 |
Students Evaluation
Written final exams that may include:
- Judgemental questions.
- Short answer questions.
- Comparative evaluation of theory elements.
- True/False and multiple choice Questions.
- Application exercises.
In each question, corresponding evaluation points are specified.
Optional assignment (Essay writing) corresponds to 40% of the final grade.
Recommended Bibliography
- Todaro Michael και Smith C. Stephen, «Οικονομική Ανάπτυξη», 13η έκδοση, Θεσσαλονίκη 2022, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα.
- Πετράκης Ε. Παναγιώτης, «Γενική Οικονομική Ανάπτυξη και Μεγέθυνση», Θεσσαλονίκη 2021, Εκδόσεις Ροπή.
- Janvry alain De, Sadoulet Elisabeth, «Οικονομική της Ανάπτυξης: Θεωρία και Πράξη», Εκδόσεις Gutenberg, Αθήνα, 2020.
Related Research Journals
- European Journal of Development Research.
- Journal of Development Economics.
- World Development.